1996-1999 Renault Mgane Quadra 4x4

Origine : FR France

Catgorie : Course: Rallye Cross

Fabrique :



Auteur Message

NL Desscythe17

2019-01-01 15:34
Ford78 a crit

Sure, I would love to. Send me a link so I can enter please. :)

PT Ford78

2019-01-01 14:55
Desscythe17 a crit
Happy new year guys!

By the way, Ford78, would you like to join the IGCD Discord channel? You seem pretty chatty, and it's a nice community right now. We discuss IGCD, WCS and anything else there.

Sure, I would love to. Send me a link so I can enter please. :)

NL Desscythe17

2019-01-01 14:32
Happy new year guys!

By the way, Ford78, would you like to join the IGCD Discord channel? You seem pretty chatty, and it's a nice community right now. We discuss IGCD, WCS and anything else there.
PT Ford78

2019-01-01 12:18
Rinspeed a crit
Happy New Year!

Thanks Rinspeed! For you too.

Happy New Year 2019 and Good Entries for everyone.

NOTE: The Renault Mgane Quadra was the final added car of 2018. Many more are to come in 2019! :)

FR Rinspeed

2019-01-01 11:08
Happy New Year!

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