2019 Africa Eco Race



Author Message
PT Ford78

2019-01-13 12:26
Isn't Damien Cousin's Nissan Navara Pick-up the same car as the car from following source?


FR Rinspeed

2019-01-13 10:09
Ford78 wrote
Jean-Hugues Moneyron is from Senegal.

The Africa Eco Race 2019 is over, as Stage 12 of tommorrow won't count for the Final Classification of this race. Stage 11 was won by Jean-Noel Julien ahead of David Gerard and Yves Fromont. Jean-Pierre Strugo is overall winner ahead of David Gerard and Jean-Noel Julien. Elisabete Jacinto became first portuguese driver ever to win the Trucks Category ahead of Noel Essers and Johan Elfrink.

Source- 2019.africarace-live.com/fichiers/classement.php?etape=11eur=2&categorie=cartruck&type_clt=overall&lang=fr

For JH Moneyron, they do a mistake in the classification. You can see that in the entrant list or others website. He's from France
PT Ford78

2019-01-12 22:30
Jean-Hugues Moneyron is from Senegal.

The Africa Eco Race 2019 is over, as Stage 12 of tommorrow won't count for the Final Classification of this race. Stage 11 was won by Jean-Noel Julien ahead of David Gerard and Yves Fromont. Jean-Pierre Strugo is overall winner ahead of David Gerard and Jean-Noel Julien. Elisabete Jacinto became first portuguese driver ever to win the Trucks Category ahead of Noel Essers and Johan Elfrink.

Source- 2019.africarace-live.com/fichiers/classement.php?etape=11§eur=2&categorie=cartruck&type_clt=overall&lang=fr

FR Rinspeed

2019-01-10 20:13
Ford78 wrote
Is So, is Gaz Gazelle Next Rally Raid allowed to be added on WCS? Or is it a no-no for it? Just to make sure.

Not for me
PT Ford78

2019-01-09 22:41
Is So, is Gaz Gazelle Next Rally Raid allowed to be added on WCS? Or is it a no-no for it? Just to make sure.

-- Last edit: 2019-01-10 00:23:44
UA ramzes-815

2019-01-09 17:37
6 stage Dakhla/Chami (7 January) (Cancelled).
PT Ford78

2019-01-09 13:52
Rinspeed wrote

Yes, i have a doubt yesterday about that but there is a spectacular accident beetween Dominique Laure and Sergey Kuprianov See here at 4:26: www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=255&v=FYsD9YYYHm8
I will update the results next hours.

I saw on the Facebook official page. However, there was one fan who was complaining about that the 7th Leg isn't delayed!

FR Rinspeed

2019-01-09 13:41
Ford78 wrote
I don't know what is going wrong with this classification of Stage 7. The official website says that Jean-Pierre Strugo took the lead.

Yes, i have a doubt yesterday about that but there is a spectacular accident beetween Dominique Laure and Sergey Kuprianov See here at 4:26: www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=255&v=FYsD9YYYHm8
I will update the results next hours.
PT Ford78

2019-01-08 22:22
I don't know what is going wrong with this classification of Stage 7. The official website says that Jean-Pierre Strugo took the lead.
PT Ford78

2019-01-04 20:01
STAGE 4, Dominique Laure wins again!

1- Dominique Laure
2- David Gerard
3- Jean-Pierre Strugo
4- Yves Fromont
5- Sergey Kuprianov
6- Patrick Martin
7- Philippe Gosselin
8- Imre Varga (226)
9- Jean Noel Julien
10- Gerald Mognier
14- Rudy Rosquelane
17- Andrew Wicklow
22- Alexey Titov
24- Franois Cousin

Overall after SS4
1- Dominique Laure
2- Jean-Pierre Strugo
3- Yves Fromont
4- Jean-Noel Julien
5- Patrick Martin
6- David Gerard
7- Sergey Kuprianov
8- Gerald Mognier
9- Rudy Rosquelane
10- Franois Cousin
11- Alexey Titov
13- Andrew Wicklow
18- Imme Warga (226)
24- Philippe Gosselin

Unfortunately, Dominique Housieaux has retired, I believe...

FR Rinspeed

2019-01-03 23:41
Ford78 wrote

Ok, thanks. Where did you get the 2019 Africa Eco Race Pictures?

Facebook Africa Eco Race pics
PT Ford78

2019-01-03 23:40
Rinspeed wrote

No it's not necessary. Africa Eco Race isn't a big race as the Dakar.

Ok, thanks. Where did you get the 2019 Africa Eco Race Pictures?

FR Rinspeed

2019-01-03 23:31
Ford78 wrote
Can we put all cars results in Africa Eco Race 2019 like we do in Dakar?

No it's not necessary. Africa Eco Race isn't a big race as the Dakar.
PT Ford78

2019-01-03 22:39
Can we put all cars results in Africa Eco Race 2019 like we do in Dakar?

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