2013 France: Rally Championship (Asphalt)



Auteur Message
PT Ford78

2013-11-25 22:44
Final Classification of France 2013:

FR Rinspeed

2013-11-17 09:11
i had update Laskowski and Camilli, they don't run with DS3 R1 but with DS3 R3 in Cevennes.

FR Rinspeed

2013-11-11 19:36
Ford78 a écrit
home made cars so not necessary on the website
PT Ford78

2013-11-11 19:27
Rinspeed a écrit

i had already said that F2000 are old A cars. So they dont need a page.

But there's cars that NEVER came as a old group A cars.
For example:

Mercedes C180- lh4.ggpht.com/_TAvqaZKUQQw/TCfCwM4s3CI/AAAAAAAACoA/gMfSrhWBUWs/s720/Rallye%20de%20Sauveterre%20La%20L%C3%A9mance%202010%20497.jpg
BMW 318 Compact- www.rallygo.com/go/photos/images/photos1/7484.jpg
Renault Twingo- images.forum-auto.com/mesimages/138454/twingo.jpg
Fiat Punto GT (1ST Generation)- img507.imageshack.us/img507/6071/puntobonaguil2.jpg
Peugeot 206 CC (Cabriolet Version, not Hatchback!!!)- images.forum-auto.com/mesimages/293444/Rallye_de_Besse_2008%20(288).jpg

FR Rinspeed

2013-11-10 22:36
Ford78 a écrit
I put the F2000 cars but you erase it!
I have the homologation list which indicates when the cars were homologated and were end of line....

i had already said that F2000 are old A cars. So they dont need a page.
PT Ford78

2013-11-10 22:35
I put the F2000 cars but you erase it!
I have the homologation list which indicates when the cars were homologated and were end of line....

FR Rinspeed

2013-11-06 16:04
Ford78 a écrit
I didn't link the fORD Fiesta R1 on Doris Delagne because I don't know if it's 3 doors or 5 doors. 3 doors isn't the same than 5 doors

From the comment made by giorgio92:

"The Fiesta R1 have two different version: the FIESTA MS1 had five doors, the FIESTA R1 three doors, he want to made separated models"

you don't put the retirements www.ffsa.org/res_rallye.php?id=2324&catCourse=ral&typf=aban&typRes=
Can you add them please?
PT Ford78

2013-11-06 14:43
I didn't link the fORD Fiesta R1 on Doris Delagne because I don't know if it's 3 doors or 5 doors. 3 doors isn't the same than 5 doors

From the comment made by giorgio92:

"The Fiesta R1 have two different version: the FIESTA MS1 had five doors, the FIESTA R1 three doors, he want to made separated models"

-- Last edit: 2013-11-06 14:43:57

FR Rinspeed

2013-11-05 22:34
Ford78 a écrit
I now have the results on official site of FFSA and Julien Maurin's points are DEFINETLY 224. Strange.... (J.F. Morugues has 32 pts)

some rallies are coeff 1 some 2. You can add but with the results of the rally like i had do (not only championship like you had do)
PT Ford78

2013-11-05 22:20
I now have the results on official site of FFSA and Julien Maurin's points are DEFINETLY 224. Strange.... (J.F. Morugues has 32 pts)

FR Rinspeed

2013-11-04 19:08
Ford78 a écrit
Rinspeed, I've results after Cevennes but there's an error:

Julien Maurin is really 244, but in Patrick Soft is 224! :/


let see on th official website ffsa.org
PT Ford78

2013-11-04 18:28
Rinspeed, I've results after Cevennes but there's an error:

Julien Maurin is really 244, but in Patrick Soft is 224! :/


FR Rinspeed

2013-10-14 21:58
Ford78 a écrit
Rinspeed: I don't want to offend you but the positions between drivers are COMPLETLY WRONG! I ALWAYS put ONLY the driver THAT was registred for championship. In this case, some drivers weren't registred, Bernando Sousa for example...

and i had always put position in the rally with registered or not for the championship. But only for the registered drivers. I had do that for French rally only because there are a lot of others drivers that arent in the championship and had good results.

-- Last edit: 2013-10-14 22:31:52
PT Ford78

2013-10-14 21:51
Rinspeed: I don't want to offend you but the positions between drivers are COMPLETLY WRONG! I ALWAYS put ONLY the driver THAT was registred for championship. In this case, some drivers weren't registred, Bernando Sousa for example...

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