2020 Austria: Rally Championship


1 AT 35. Int. LKW FRIENDS on the Road Jännerrallye by LT1 (3-5 January)
2 AT 9. Rebenland Rallye (27-28 March) (Cancelled)
3 AT 44. Lavanttal Rallye (17-18 April) (Cancelled)
4 AT Wechselland Rallye (22-23 May) (Cancelled)
5 AT Rallye Weiz (3-5 September) (Cancelled)
6 AT Niederösterreich Rallye (17-20 September) (Cancelled)
7 AT 3. Rallye W4 (6-7 November) (Cancelled)


Auteur Message
PT Ford78

2020-09-25 12:19
The Austrian Rally Championship has been cancelled.

Source- www.rallye-oem.at/sites/news_absage_orm_2020.html

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