1970-1972 AMC Ambassador

Origine : US Etats-Unis

Catgorie : Berline

Mk 6



Auteur Message

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-24 22:29
ah ok it's only for special thing to say but never used (only some cars). It's like special info for the engine.

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-24 22:22
Rinspeed a crit
you do a good job ;-) It's difficult to do this type of car! I dont understand the things you said "others section". What did you talk?

I actually find these cars very easy to do, you can add lots of engines by copying previous engines, and they're almost only for the American market.
the others section, I mean when you're editing a motor, between "Tire Size" and "Return/Update", it says "Others" and you can fill it in, but I don't know what you should put there?

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-24 22:15
you do a good job ;-) It's difficult to do this type of car! I dont understand the things you said "others section". What did you talk?

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-24 22:11
By the way, I've been wondering for a while now.. What is the "Others" section for?

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-24 22:06
I'll do it for this car, finish the station wagon, and then do it for the rest of the cars I recently added.

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-24 22:03
yes it will be more easy to read in the list

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-24 21:58
Rinspeed a crit
i dont think it's necessary to post same engines with just different weight. If we do that for the recent cars, we will have 500 by car (1 by trim!)

Okay, that's good to hear. Do you want me to delete them?

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-24 20:52
i dont think it's necessary to post same engines with just different weight. If we do that for the recent cars, we will have 500 by car (1 by trim!)

-- Last edit: 2012-08-24 20:53:01

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