2002-2005 Honda Accord (Accord Euro)

Origine : JP Japon

Catgorie : Berline

Mk 7

Fabrique :
JP Sayama, Saitama



Auteur Message

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-18 10:07
you can, and perhaps verify on others sources if you arent sure

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-18 09:52
I do have Autovisie catalogs since 1992, could I use those? It only has Dutch models and engines in it, but those are usually the same as the rest of West-Europe.

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-18 09:41
Desscythe17 a crit
Also, I'm using carfolio for the engine specs, but it only gives the first year an engine was made. Do you know a better website?

for the european cars? i dont know. I use catalogs with all the cars (i had catalogs since 1983). I think that you had to search and compare from other websites. For somes deutsh cars, deutsh wikipedia seems ok for the years (deutsh wikipedia, not english). For others, i used cote.autodeclics.com/cote/ that gave the years for France

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-18 08:06
Also, I'm using carfolio for the engine specs, but it only gives the first year an engine was made. Do you know a better website?

NL Desscythe17

2012-08-18 07:39
Rinspeed a crit
i think the most difficult cars are the korean because they sold them in US, Europe, Korea and it's the same cars (for the majority)so a lot of differents engines sometimes. Japanese are difficult but less tahn korean because they are doing sepcific models for US or for Japan... but some are on mutliple continents.

Yeah you're right, it was pretty difficult, but I should've done more research. I'll try some German, French or Italian cars next

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-17 23:34
i think the most difficult cars are the korean because they sold them in US, Europe, Korea and it's the same cars (for the majority)so a lot of differents engines sometimes. Japanese are difficult but less tahn korean because they are doing sepcific models for US or for Japan... but some are on mutliple continents.

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-17 23:31
good work but some errors. The length, width.. are on cm, not on mm! And you had take a hard car (japanese and Korean cars are difficult) because it had be sold in other continent than europe (i had add japanese versions, except euro r need a specific page)

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