1994 24 Hours of Le Mans


1 US Hurley Haywood
IT Mauro Baldi
FR Yannick Dalmas
Dauer 962 Le Mans
Le Mans Porsche Team/Joest Racing

2 UK Eddie Irvine
US Jeff Krosnoff
IT Mauro Martini
Toyota 94C-V
SARD Company Ltd.

3 US Danny Sullivan
DE Hans-Joachim Stuck
BE Thierry Boutsen
Dauer 962 Le Mans
Le Mans Porsche Team/Joest Racing

4 FR Bob Wollek
ZA George Fouch
SE Steven Andskr
Toyota 94C-V
Nisso Trust Racing Team

5 US John Morton
US Johnny O`Connell
NZ Steve Millen
Nissan 300ZX Turbo
Clayton Cunningham Racing

6 UK Derek Bell
DE Jrgen Lssig
UK Robin Donovan
Kremer K8 Spyder
Gulf Oil Racing

7 US Andy Evans
FR Jean-Louis Ricci
BE Philippe Olczyk
Courage C32LM
Courage Comptition

8 ES Carlos Palau
FR Dominique Dupuy
ES Jess Pareja
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
Larbre Comptition

9 CH Enzo Calderari
CH Lilian Bryner
IT Renato Mastropietro
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
curie Biennoise

10 NL Cor Euser
SI Matiaz Tomlje
NL Patrick Huisman
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
Konrad Motorsport

11 ES Andrs Vilario
ES Prince Alfonso de Orlans-Bourbon
ES Toms Saldaa
Ferrari 348 GTC-LM
Repsol Ferrari Espaa

12 FR Bertrand Balas
UK Justin Bell
FR Ren Arnoux
Dodge Viper RT/10
Rent-A-Car Racing Team/Luigi Racing

13 FR Benjamin Roy
FR Jean-Claude Police
FR Luc Galmard
Alpine A610 Turbo
Legeay Sports Mcanique

14 DE Armin Hahne
BE Bertrand Gachot
FR Christophe Bouchut
Honda NSX
Kremer Honda Racing

15 FR Franck Freon
FR Pierre de Thoisy
JP Yojiro Terada
Mazda RX-7 GTO
Team Artnature

16 JP Hideki Okada
JP Kazuo Shimizu
CH Philippe Favre
Honda NSX
Kremer Honda Racing

17 ES Antonio Puig
FR Jean-Louis Sirera
ES Xavier Camp
Venturi 400GTR
Agusta Racing Team

18 JP Akira Iida
JP Keiichi Tsuchiya
JP Kunimitsu Takahashi
Honda NSX
Kremer Honda Racing/Team Kunimitsu

NC FR Denis Morin
FR Franois Migault
FR Philippe Gache
Dodge Viper RT/10
Rent-A-Car Racing Team/Luigi Racing

NC FR Bernard Chauvin
FR Herv Poulain
FR Jean-Luc Maury-Laribire
Venturi 600LM
BBA Comptition

NC UK Dominic Chappell
UK Jonathan Baker
UK Phil Andrews
De Tomaso Pantera 200
A.D.A. Engineering Ltd.

NC JP Jun Harada
JP Masahiko Kondo
JP Tomiko Yoshikawa
Porsche 962C GTi
A.D.A. Engineering Ltd./Team Nippon

NC FR Edouard Chaufour
CH Franz Hunkeler
FR Stphane Ratel
Venturi 400GTR
Agusta Racing Team

NC FR Alain Cudini
FR Eric Hlary
FR Jean-Christophe Boullion
Bugatti EB110 SS
Michel Hommell

NC US Boris Said
DE Frank Jelinski
FR Michel Maisonneuve
Callaway Corvette SuperNatural
Callaway Sport Inc.

NC IT Almo Coppelli
FR Michel Krine
IT Riccardo Agusta
Venturi 600LM
Agusta Racing Team

NC FR Michel Fert
BE Michel Neugarten
FR Olivier Grouillard
Venturi 600LM
Jacadi Racing

NC FR Nicolas Minassian
FR Olivier Couvrier
FR Patrick Bourdais
Alpa LM
Roland Bassaler

NC UK Robin Smith
IT Stefano Sebastiani
JP Tetsuya Ota
Ferrari 348 LM
Simpson Engineering

NC FR Bernard Robin
FR Dominique Lacaud
FR Sylvain Boulay
ALD 06
Stealth Engineering/SBF

NC FR Alain Fert
FR Franck Lagorce
FR Henri Pescarolo
Courage C32LM
Courage Comptition

NC FR Patrick Gonin
FR Pierre Petit
Welter Racing

NC BR Antnio Hermann de Azevedo
AT Franz Konrad
DE Mike Sommer
Porsche 911 Turbo 3.6
Patrick Nve Racing/Konrad Motorsport

NC BE Herv Regout
FR Jean-Franois Yvon
FR Jean-Paul Libert
Welter Racing

NC CH Bernard Santal
FR Georges Tessier
FR Pascal Dro
Debora LMP294
Didier Bonnet Racing

NC UK David Brodie
NZ Rob Wilson
UK William Hewland
Harrier LR9C
Chamberlain Engineering

NC FR Jacques Almras
FR Jacques Laffite
FR Jean-Marie Almras
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
Porsche Flymo Mobil Almras/Larbre Comptition

NC FR Lionel Robert
FR Pascal Fabre
FR Pierri-Henri Raphanel
Courage C32LM
Courage Comptition

NC DE Dr. Thomas Bscher
DK John Nielsen
UK Lindsay Owen-Jones
Porsche 968 Turbo RS
Seikel Motorsport

NC SE Anders Olofsson
IT Max Angelelli
CH Sandro Angelastro
Ferrari F40 LM
Strandell/Obermaier Racing

NC CH Olivier Haberthur
FR Patrice Goueslard
FR Patrick Vuillaume
Porsche 911 Turbo 3.6
Elf Haberthur Racing

NC DE Andreas Fuchs
NL Klaas Zwart
DK Thorkild Thyrring
Lotus Esprit S300
Lotus Sport/Chamberlain Engineering

NC FR Jack Leconte
FR Jean-Luc Chereau
FR Pierre Yver
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
Larbre Comptition

NC FR Olindo Iacobelli
UK Peter Hardman
UK Richard Piper
Lotus Esprit S300
Lotus Sport/Chamberlain Engineering

NC DE Dirk Ebeling
DE Karl-Heinz Wlazik
DE Ulrich Richter
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
Heico Service GmbH

NC IT Fabio Mancini
FR Jol Gouhier
AR Oscar Larrauri
Ferrari 348 GTC-LM
Ferrari Club Italia

NC UK Charles Rickett
UK Harry Nuttall
UK Ray Bellm
Porsche 911 Carrera RSR
Bristow Racing/Erik Henriksen

NC BE Eric van de Poele
US Paul Gentilozzi
JP Shunji Kasuya
Nissan 300ZX Turbo
Clayton Cunningham Racing


Author Message

FR Rinspeed

2020-04-06 10:09
Ford78 wrote
Are you thinking of doing the previous editions of 24h Le Mans, Mark0?

Perhaps before, i will try to change Le Mans Race with new version hour by hour like i had said one year before. I will do it for this Le Mans 1994 and you will see after if you always do it...

RB Mark0

2020-04-06 09:54
Ford78 wrote
Are you thinking of doing the previous editions of 24h Le Mans, Mark0?

I want to complete Super Touring championships first. If you want, you can do them.
PT Ford78

2020-04-06 01:12
Are you thinking of doing the previous editions of 24h Le Mans, Mark0?

RB Mark0

2020-04-03 10:20
Ford78 wrote
The duo Patrick Gonin/Pierre Petit drove a Welter LM93, but the duo with Herv Regout drove a Welter LM94, not a LM93.

Source- www.racingsportscars.com/photo/Le_Mans-1994-06-19.html

Feel free to replace it :)
PT Ford78

2020-04-02 20:43
The duo Patrick Gonin/Pierre Petit drove a Welter LM93, but the duo with Herv Regout drove a Welter LM94, not a LM93.

Source- www.racingsportscars.com/photo/Le_Mans-1994-06-19.html

RB Mark0

2019-06-17 09:34
Rinspeed wrote
Mark0, what do you think of doing Le Mans Race hour by hour (we can put each hour as a race) to see the changes during the race and what are the teams who are leading the race before retirement?

That's great idea.
But with so little time these months I first need to finish other championships I started :D
I will have more time in July.

FR Rinspeed

2019-06-16 20:48
Mark0, what do you think of doing Le Mans Race hour by hour (we can put each hour as a race) to see the changes during the race and what are the teams who are leading the race before retirement?
PT Ford78

2014-04-12 15:35

RB Mark0

2014-01-27 15:23

RB Mark0

2014-01-26 18:26
I will finish this tomorrow

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