2000 Fiat Ecobasic

Origem: IT Itália

Classe: Protótipo/Conceito

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Autor Mensagem

PL fck

2012-01-10 13:25
Desscythe17 escreveu
what kind of car do you own now then?

Vectra B Caravan.

But I think it's the right time to sell it because the day when a lot of things will broke is coming very quickly.

-- Last edit: 2012-01-10 15:58:57

SX Sandie

2012-01-09 22:14
The Audi A2 was the same IIRC.

NL Desscythe17

2012-01-09 22:07
what kind of car do you own now then?

PL fck

2012-01-09 19:36
This car is somehow prophetic, only service could open a hood - average human had access only to front panel with inlets only. Now it's 2011 and changing a f...n light is trully hard or impossible :/ o.O When I had a Skoda Favorit I did almost general repair by myself.

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