2011-2016 Citron DS3 WRC

Origine : FR France

Catgorie : Course: Rallye

Fabrique :



Auteur Message
PT Ford78

2012-10-08 21:32

FR Rinspeed

2012-10-08 20:33
i will put France Rally results for WRC tommorow i think.

FR Rinspeed

2012-10-08 20:32
yes really, he wil do 3/4 rallies next years and some races on tracks and after he will do WTCC with Citroen. He said that last week.
PT Ford78

2012-10-08 20:24

FR Rinspeed

2012-10-08 19:59
Ford78 a crit

but for the last time...
PT Ford78

2012-10-08 19:33
PT Ford78

2012-07-21 20:35
This championship that I have posted has the results of all drivers.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-21 14:06
and for the 3 last drivers?? no results??
IT giorgio92

2012-07-21 13:13
Rinspeed a crit
Ford78, like you dont do effort, i erase all. We had told you 10 times to put the right number for car number= number in database. You dont want to do it? OK=i erase!
giorgio, same problem, you begin some things but you d'ont finish them 1st 2011 WRC (that i will finish) but the 2 others, finish them (put all the positions of the drivers you put and not only the 10 first that you had paste from wikipedia) or i will erase them quickly. We arent here to finsih your work.

Rinspeed, did you rectificate points in the PWRC championship: Ketomaki will not exclude will obtain 30 points in the championship, not 4224.
Semerd's points are 51, not 3963
and Guerra's points are 47 and not 772
please fix points on there drivers in the PWRC: Ketomaki, Semerd and Guerra
and the PWRC championship was won by Hayden Paddon, not by Jukka Ketomaki

-- Last edit: 2012-07-21 13:15:27

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-19 22:35
Ford78, like you dont do effort, i erase all. We had told you 10 times to put the right number for car number= number in database. You dont want to do it? OK=i erase!
giorgio, same problem, you begin some things but you d'ont finish them 1st 2011 WRC (that i will finish) but the 2 others, finish them (put all the positions of the drivers you put and not only the 10 first that you had paste from wikipedia) or i will erase them quickly. We arent here to finsih your work.
PT Ford78

2012-07-19 18:18
You cant post photos with copyright or any watermarks in image!
PT Ford78

2012-07-19 18:18
@giorgio92: Some of photos that you have posted have watermarks...
PT Ford78

2012-07-19 16:09
I have finished almost all drivers results. Theres missing one: Achim Mrtl.
PT Ford78

2012-07-19 16:08
I finished the results...

PL fck

2012-07-19 10:59
Be quick. 24 hours left.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-19 10:26
We had told that if the number of cars is too important (like on WRC), we put only the cars with pointss, official cars and importants cars (so WRC cars). Before adding other drivers, finish results of the others! If you dont do it correctly, i will erase all.

PL fck

2012-07-19 09:24
Ford78 a crit
It wasnt supposed to post all cars on seasons?

Only manufacturer team drivers and other drivers who earned points
PT Ford78

2012-07-19 00:22
It wasnt supposed to post all cars on seasons?

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-19 00:00
Serious ford78 are you silly?? You had post new cars and another time you are wrong with the car number. We had told it you 10 times! Like you dont do effort, i think i will probably erase your work. fck and me are tired to correct your work each time! If you cant do it properly, DONT DO IT!

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-18 23:24
i will accept results, when it will be finished beacause there is some not complete (with 1000 instead of position or 500 for retired or others)

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-18 22:58
he cant do it as a member. It's only for admin (edit a driver) because if not some mebers can erase driver if they want.
PT Ford78

2012-07-18 22:45
Yes, sir!

PL fck

2012-07-18 22:44
Ford78 a crit
I went to Top 10 Portugal 2000. Before that, I went to a 2nd focus and looked for a number of andress. After that, I went and edited.

Great. Now please go back to your 2002 WRC and edit all the WRC cars. You can do it by clicking "E" next to driver's name.
PT Ford78

2012-07-18 22:22
I went to Top 10 Portugal 2000. Before that, I went to a 2nd focus and looked for a number of andress. After that, I went and edited.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-18 19:20
fck a crit
@Ford78: I repeat for the last time. Car number in championship is not a car starting number. It's a number of car in our database. For example Carlos Sainz's Focus WRC car number is 10712 as it visible on it's url: www.webcarstory.com/voiture.php?id=10712 . If the car isn't in our database yet, leave this pole blank. Are we clear?

Yes we say him 5 or 6 times. Next time he do the same mistake, erase! We arent here to correct all his things!

PL fck

2012-07-18 19:03
@Ford78: I repeat for the last time. Car number in championship is not a car starting number. It's a number of car in our database. For example Carlos Sainz's Focus WRC car number is 10712 as it visible on it's url: www.webcarstory.com/voiture.php?id=10712 . If the car isn't in our database yet, leave this pole blank. Are we clear?

-- Last edit: 2012-07-18 19:03:41

PL fck

2012-07-18 16:19
Colours are making automatically.
PT Ford78

2012-07-18 15:50
I dont know how to put the colour of results.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-18 15:35
Ford78 a crit
And the 2002 WRC season was rejected! Why

you don't post the date of the race, you just post 6 or 7 drivers with mistakes for the results of races and points. If you want that it was accepted, be serious for all!
PT Ford78

2012-07-18 15:30
And the 2002 WRC season was rejected! Why

PL fck

2012-07-18 15:27
Oh, now I get it. I'll fix it this evening. :)

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-18 15:12
fck, 2 things for WRC. Put please the date for 1991 WRC Rallies. And for the pictures, it's not good, you hadn't understand what i had say i think. You had to put the right picture of the car (with the correct number) and not the same picture for all the Delta for example. The only case when you can post same picture is when 2 or 3 drivers drive the same car like in WEC and Le Mans. If you see 2012 WRC, i hadn't put the same pic for 2 official DS3 WRC or 2 Fiesta WRC. Please correct it, it will be more pleasant to see.

PL fck

2012-07-17 22:40
Ford78 a crit

You're still don't understand... -.-
Please, look here: www.webcarstory.com/pays.php?id=32&annee=1980

And remember!!! When you adding a top 10:
1) SALES is a number of cars were sold
2) Click on the Ford Fiesta below your contrib. Look on the web address. The number on the end of address is the CAR NUMBER! For this Fiesta it's 2299! So try to find a car on the Web Car Story. If you find it, look on the number, remember it and type it into CAR NUMBER pole.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 22:09
fck a crit
Thanks! And a second thing.. in top 10 there's the same problem as in championship (link doesn't reffer to last added contrib)

i will correct it in one week

PL fck

2012-07-17 21:54
Thanks! And a second thing.. in top 10 there's the same problem as in championship (link doesn't reffer to last added contrib)

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 21:44
Now it will be ok fck. You can see contributions. Yellow= nno contrib, orange= contrib to validate

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 21:42
oh and i will open to you the contrib sections to see if there are thing to validate!

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 21:41
fck a crit
Rinspeed, why can't I edit someones top 10 contributions before accepting it? When I click edit I see a blank typing page.

click on A after edit (A= Accept and edit) Ford78 do a lot of mistakeand not put number in the right column each time

PL fck

2012-07-17 21:33
Rinspeed, why can't I edit someones top 10 contributions before accepting it? When I click edit I see a blank typing page.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 21:17
Ford78 a crit

and you always do the same error!!!! Pffff I had to correct all yours contrib each time!

-- Last edit: 2012-07-17 21:18:05
PT Ford78

2012-07-17 20:56

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 20:49
Ford78 a crit

Sorry. But every time I put "DSQ", it doesnt appear

i dont talk of sport result but top 10 of sales. Another time you are wrong you put the numer in sales in the car number!!For he sports results, it appear when it was accepeted by an admin.
PT Ford78

2012-07-17 20:36
Rinspeed a crit
Ford78 stop put two times each top! Just put it one time, put the numer of sales in the sales case and not in the number car (and serach the number car)

Sorry. But every time I put "DSQ", it doesnt appear

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 18:30
Ford78 stop put two times each top! Just put it one time, put the numer of sales in the sales case and not in the number car (and serach the number car)

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-17 17:24
fck a crit
For example here it is: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990_World_Rally_Championship_season

I also using rallybase.nl for typing cars for non-manufacturer drivers with points. But maybe for other seasons where are result 1-10 on wiki using a rallybase is also awful (have to ctrl+F all drivers to see they are on the non-pointed places). It's so bad it's not possible to regroup drivers alphabetically on this page (and other like juwra or ewrc). :\

PS. So it'll be easier to typing driver-by driver. Then I just click a driver's name and I see all his results during carreer on rallybase.

Done, you could now post the result by race (like before) or by driver (with the "R" after the driver)

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 20:42
Good work fck!! Nice to see this cars! If you can, crop the cars when they are far to see them better. For example auriol, ericsson. If you crop the picture, it's better after.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 15:54
and now it's ok? you had to go to the end of edit result to change the positions. If you just edit a result and close the window, it doesnt do the positions. It had do the positions when you see Go to championship page at the end.

PL fck

2012-07-16 15:31
Boss, look at my '90 WRC, there's some problems with drivers raced in more than one car/team. It some mess with points and order. I swear everything was alright 15 minutes ago... weird.

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 15:19
just idea :D

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 15:12
Mark0 a crit
If i can't find real picture of race car for championship can i add picture of toy or from video game?

no lol someone can have one.

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 15:10
If i can't find real picture of race car for championship can i add picture of toy or from video game?

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 13:45
fck a crit
For example here it is: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990_World_Rally_Championship_season

I also using rallybase.nl for typing cars for non-manufacturer drivers with points. But maybe for other seasons where are result 1-10 on wiki using a rallybase is also awful (have to ctrl+F all drivers to see they are on the non-pointed places). It's so bad it's not possible to regroup drivers alphabetically on this page (and other like juwra or ewrc). :\

PS. So it'll be easier to typing driver-by driver. Then I just click a driver's name and I see all his results during carreer on rallybase.

I's because you do also a championship with a lot of drivers. When, i will have time i will try to do a pge for edit driver by championship (if i can, i do it tommorow, if not, i will go on holiday in family for one week, i can contribute during this week but i dont think i can do program).

PL fck

2012-07-16 13:33
For example here it is: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990_World_Rally_Championship_season

I also using rallybase.nl for typing cars for non-manufacturer drivers with points. But maybe for other seasons where are result 1-10 on wiki using a rallybase is also awful (have to ctrl+F all drivers to see they are on the non-pointed places). It's so bad it's not possible to regroup drivers alphabetically on this page (and other like juwra or ewrc). :\

PS. So it'll be easier to typing driver-by driver. Then I just click a driver's name and I see all his results during carreer on rallybase.

-- Last edit: 2012-07-16 13:35:42

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 13:23
fck a crit
PS. I think it will be easier typing a result driver-to-driver than race-to-race. Hm...

Are you sure of that? I think you see wikipedia page for that but for what i see, there isn't the results for the place >10 on it, so you had to search for the others results for the other driver, very difficult if you do by driver i think. For your help: www.rallybase.nl/

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 13:16
Thanks. Now work.

PL fck

2012-07-16 13:11
Propably it doesn't like " ' " chart, maybe try a " ` " instead.

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 13:06
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Aste' and p_champ = 10' at line 1
update pilotes SET p_min = 16,p_points = 0 WHERE p_nom = 'Stefano D'Aste' and p_champ = 10

What this mean?

PL fck

2012-07-16 12:21
Rinspeed a crit

i htink it's corrected. To help you with adding results with a lot of drivers like you do, just see that the drivers were by name 30/page

Unfortunately I think it won't help me. For now I have to remember which drivers I miss because of 30/page limit and looking for them on the results page again and again (because of few editing pages).

PL fck

2012-07-16 12:17
PS. I think it will be easier typing a result driver-to-driver than race-to-race. Hm...

PL fck

2012-07-16 12:13
From 1990? Yes, for a while. I didn't add all drivers with points before typing a results so I decided to start it again to avoid a mess.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 11:00
you had erased the results??

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 10:49
fck a crit
Then don't do anything.

Boss, after adding drivers 'Go to championship page' link refferring to main championship page. :(

i htink it's corrected. To help you with adding results with a lot of drivers like you do, just see that the drivers were by name 30/page

PL fck

2012-07-16 10:04
Then don't do anything.

Boss, after adding drivers 'Go to championship page' link refferring to main championship page. :(

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 10:00
What if there aren't any successor?

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 09:48
OK. Thanks.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 09:39
Mark0 a crit
And for pictures in championship. Every driver has different picture?

yes but if it's the same car with 2 or 3 drivers by car you can put the same. It's just to see the cars and differents decoration.
Like fck said, for Neuville, it's because he had 2 team, same case for others with 2 cars.
Others things that i hadn't say yesterday:
You can gain point by adding pred/successor (1 pt for each), add results for top 10 (1 point for each info), add drivers and results (1 points for each info: name, country, car...) for championship; add pictures for driver (10 point for each picture, because it's more difficult to have the good picture). You dont have points when you create the championship or top10.
And last, when you had results and points for a championship, the program do automatically the top drivers with the sum of points and pos. There is an edit for pos/points if there isnt points or if there is an error.

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 08:02
OK. Thanks. :D

PL fck

2012-07-16 07:53
Mark0 a crit
Great news! And whats that star for Thierry Neuville?

Same driver, another racing team.

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 07:45
And for pictures in championship. Every driver has different picture?

RB Mark0

2012-07-16 07:29
Great news! And whats that star for Thierry Neuville?

PL fck

2012-07-16 06:19
I think Name+Surname is a lot more typical

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-16 00:27
And for the designer? Surname + Name?

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-15 23:00
and ok now we put the city and year for presentation

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-15 22:18
Thanks i had replace the Fiesta in the top 10, you had put the American version before

PL fck

2012-07-15 21:10
Woow! Great job!

Citation 4 Link to see all the cars for the same presentation (same problem we have to put all the same, perhaps things like Paris 2012 or Detroit 2012? What do you think?)

Agree for just city and year.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-15 19:42
Sandie a crit
Yes, working through it now.

Interesting to see for UK


2012-07-15 19:02
Yes, working through it now.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-15 19:01
Sandie a crit
Nice! Sorry, I've been away from the site so much lately BTW. Just so busy and distracted.

you had create 2011 UK?


2012-07-15 18:50
Nice! Sorry, I've been away from the site so much lately BTW. Just so busy and distracted.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-15 18:08
i had aslo start WEC (not finish), but if someone want to post picture of the cars he can.

FR Rinspeed

2012-07-15 18:04
The new features are on webcarstory now:

1 For the technical datas, table on the page of the car

2 Predecessor/Successor for all the cars

3 Link to see all the cars by a designer (we have to post all the same ex if someone post Giugiaro and other Giorgetto Giugiaro, it cant work)

4 Link to see all the cars for the same presentation (same problem we have to put all the same, perhaps things like Paris 2012 or Detroit 2012? What do you think?)

5 Top 10 of best sales by countries (models and makes)

6 Replacement of the older system of sport results for a car in the page of a car (see championship)

7 New system to put result of championship and pictures of the cars (each picture give 10 pts instead of 5pts for the others pictures on webcarstory).
You had to create a new championship (or complete a championship), create new driver. And after that you had just to put the results of a race. So if you had create the drivers for a championship, , you hadn't to create them another time. And finally you can post picture of the differents cars on the championship.
You can see examples:
2012 Dakar: this is not a champiosnhip but a long race so i had do it. Like there is a lot of cars, i had take all the cars that had do top 10 in the race + the importants others cars
2012 WRC: same problem, lots of cars, so i had just put the cars with points and the others importants cars (WRC cars)
2012 WTCC: all the cars
2012 F1: all the cars
so if you create drivers, if tehre are a lot (more than 50 for example) put only the drivers who had points and the importants drivers/cars
If you create a national championship Put the counrty in the name before. Ex: Germany: DTM, France: Trophe Andros
All the results you put int the championship part wil be also see in the page of the differents cars.
The old section Race Cras is available at the top of the part championship. I will also erase the old results so the points you had with them also.

Like the others parts, all the members can contribute and it will be accpet or not by admin.

If you see a bug, tell me it!
IT giorgio92

2011-04-17 14:53
Ogier wins Rally Jordan, the situation was this: Loeb 74, Hirvonen 72, Ogier 69, Latvala 66, 4 drivers in 8 points.
FR Tak

2011-04-08 17:52
nice ;)
IT marcorose92

2011-04-08 16:50
Loeb leads championship equally by Hirvonen's Ford (58 points), Ogier is 17 points behind (41) going for Rally Jordan

FR Rinspeed

2011-03-02 19:17
And Loeb is French ;-) He can expect to win a lot of rally like always. Just to see if the DS3 WRC is a good car. And it's normal for the German rally, like all the asphalt rally because since a long time, the most important Championship Rally in France is exclusively on asphalt (there is a dirt champiosnhip also most know now). Until 2000 and a little more, french rallymen do the asphalt championship in priority (like Loeb, Pannizzi, Delecour, Auriol...) so in this years and before (2000's) there is a lack of competitivity for the french on dirt road (on WRC) and they are the better on asphalt in WRC. Now the french had take this in consideration and are doing a lot of effort on dirt road.

RB Mark0

2011-03-02 18:57
We can espect from Loeb to win Rally Germany. Because he win every WRC event in Germany. My respect .
IT giorgio92

2011-03-02 18:50
Loeb is my favourite hero!

FR Rinspeed

2011-03-02 18:29
giorgio92 a crit
his real championship starts in Mexico, or wrong?

Yes i think it would be better for him in Mexico
IT giorgio92

2011-03-02 16:13
his real championship starts in Mexico, or wrong?
IT giorgio92

2011-03-02 16:12
Loeb will be 2011 World Rally Champion again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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