2009-2014 Dr 1

Origin: CN China

Class: Hatchback 5 doors

Chassis: S18

Made in:
IT Macchia d'Isernia


1.1 68hp / 50kW 2011-2014
1.3 83hp / 61kW 2009-2012
1.3 Tronic 83hp / 61kW 2009-2012

1.1 68hp / 50kW 2011-2014
1.3 82hp / 60kW 2009-2012
1.3 Tronic 83hp / 61kW 2009-2012

1.3 75hp / 55kW 2010-2011


Author Message


2011-07-21 17:12
OT but vaguely related to Chinese cars with their ripped off designs: birdabroad.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/are-you-listening-steve-jobs/
DE Mieguy

2011-07-20 07:10
subliminalglory wrote
We only tolerate low quality from American made vehicles

lol ^^

but yes, american cars will be the coolest however, chinese car makers dont stand a ghost of a chance in america :-D
US subliminalglory

2011-07-20 02:09
I would be shocked to see this or any other Chinese made car make it stateside, the build quality just isn't good enough and they would face the same fate as Daewoo. We only tolerate low quality from American made vehicles, and even that is pushing it.
US carcrasher88

2011-02-15 17:10
Not bad. This car looks pretty good. I wonder if this thing could make it to America. I'd buy one. Especially in CNG form.

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