Desde 2024 Cadillac Celestiq

Origem: US EUA

Classe: Upcoming Cars

Feito em:
US Warren, Michigan (GM Technical Center)



Autor Mensagem
US carcrasher88

2024-02-02 05:20
It was announced in mid-January that the car has gone into production, but no word on any deliveries as of yet.

When you consider this is a hand-built machine intended to be of the same caliber of quality as a Rolls-Royce, the timeline from production to delvery is likely a lot longer than usual.

I'd imagine deliveries could start later in February, maybe early March.

NL Desscythe17

2024-01-13 15:52
This was already spotted on the road in 2023, so maybe it is already in production. No official specs to be found anywhere though.

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