1995 Bentley Dominator

Pochodzenie: UK Wielka Brytania

Klasa: Samochód terenowy/SUV

Wyprodukowano w:
UK Crewe, Cheshire (Rolls-Royce)



Autor Wiadomość

NL Desscythe17

2015-12-13 21:21
fck napisał
This article might be better: www.bentleyspotting.com/2011/08/bentley-dominator-for-royal-family-of.html as Google Translate ruins the text.
The pictures are obviously bad, but the article itself is pretty interesting.

PL fck

2015-12-13 20:03
Desscythe17 napisał
Interesting.. A 20 year old predecessor to the Bentayga?

Sultan of Brunei liked luxury SUVs before it was fashionable. :D

Whole article about this car: translate.google.pl/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.poznajemysamochody.pl%2Findex.php%2F2015%2F12%2F10%2Fjak-to-pierwszy-suv-bentleya%2F&edit-text=

NL Desscythe17

2015-12-13 19:33
Interesting.. A 20 year old predecessor to the Bentayga?

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