2005-2012 Hafei Saibao (Princip)

Origin: CN China

Class: Sedan

Made in:
CN Harbin, Heilongjiang



Author Message
FR SolanaBogon

2024-11-21 23:16
Chinese name: 哈飞赛豹 (Hāfēi Sibo)

NL Desscythe17

2019-12-20 11:37
According to Wikipedia it ceased production in 2008. Why is it still listed as produced?

CA Lancia

2019-12-20 06:28
Holy Cow! Pininfarina Design?!?

JP Maki

2019-12-20 02:38
Does the Coda count as similar enough to be added under "Similar cars"?

One other thing I forgot to add was that the Saibao is also sold in Russia.

-- Last edit: 2019-12-20 02:39:48
US carcrasher88

2012-06-13 03:16
The Saibao. The basis for the all electric Coda.

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