1998-2000 Cadillac Escalade

Origem: US EUA

Classe: Todo-o-Terreno/SUV

Chassis: GMT400

Mk 1

Feito em:
US Arlington, Texas



Autor Mensagem
DE Gamer

2013-09-09 16:19
The only Escalade I find ugly is the current one. (2007+)

NL Desscythe17

2011-08-01 13:01
I personally find this Escalade the ugliest. The newer ones have a way better front, and even a better rear.
US carcrasher88

2011-02-25 18:46
CA_NES escreveu
The only Escalade that ISN'T ugly.

I can't say that I agree, but I'll respect your opinion.

For me, I think the current model is the best looking one so far.

On a totally unrelated subject...

Sometime between March 18 and March 20, I'll be headed to an auto show, where I'm planning to aquire pictures of over 170 new American market models, many of which will be uploaded here, along with vehicle information.

Just wanted to give the heads up, so you guys know ahead of time. There might be a couple classic cars included, but I'll have to wait and see.

2011-02-24 11:37
The only Escalade that ISN'T ugly.

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