1970-1971 Skopak

Origin: PK Pakistan

Class: Pick-up

Made in:
PK Karachi (Haroon Industries)
CZ Mlad Boleslav (AZNP, chassis)



Author Message


2015-11-30 17:23
Mark0 wrote

Must watch for car lover(or good film lover)

Alright, added to my list :)

RB Mark0

2015-11-30 17:11
JFK wrote

Oh, sorry for ruining the pun :) I did not see the movie, only modern remake.

Must watch for car lover(or good film lover)


2015-11-30 16:48
Mark0 wrote

No. It's the quote from The Italian Job about this www.imcdb.org/vehicle_18145-Daimler-Limousine-DR450-1966.html
I saw that this car is from Pakistan and couldn't resist :D

Oh, sorry for ruining the pun :) I did not see the movie, only modern remake.

RB Mark0

2015-11-30 16:34
JFK wrote

Nice! Any photos?

No. It's the quote from The Italian Job about this www.imcdb.org/vehicle_18145-Daimler-Limousine-DR450-1966.html
I saw that this car is from Pakistan and couldn't resist :D


2015-11-30 15:32
Mark0 wrote
This car belongs to the Pakistani ambassador! :D

Nice! Any photos?

RB Mark0

2015-11-30 14:44
This car belongs to the Pakistani ambassador! :D


2015-11-30 00:39
Skopak does not mean anything else than just Skoda Pakistan. Once again, chassis and engine alongside with other stuff of this car was taken from Skoda Octavia Combi just like New Zeland Trekka, this time the chassis was in its original length.

-- Last edit: 2015-11-30 00:39:44

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