1977-1989 GAZ 14 Chaika

Origin: RS USSR

Class: Limousine

Made in:
RS Nijni Novgorod



Author Message

FR Rinspeed

2016-01-30 18:27
i don't know also.

NL Desscythe17

2016-01-30 14:58
I get your idea, but I don't think I would use it. I'm personally not really interested in famous people and their cars.

RB Mark0

2016-01-29 22:12
JFK wrote
Used by Gustv Husk, president of Czechoslovakia.
EDIT: I just got an idea. If famous person has/had it (and WCS member?), there would be an option to add an owner, and you could simply click the person name (just like car shows), on that page it would be short description who is it (actor, singer, politician, owner of well known company, mobster, killer, dunno who else..) and a list of cars. And maybe that could be even splitted for actors - personal cars and cars that were used when they were acting (I am sure that Bryan Cranston doesnt use Pontiac Aztek, but as a Walter White he does). If the owner would be a member and you would click his name, it would redirect to his profile (under the text about him/her would be the list also)

Nice idea


2016-01-29 21:14
Used by Gustv Husk, president of Czechoslovakia.
EDIT: I just got an idea. If famous person has/had it (and WCS member?), there would be an option to add an owner, and you could simply click the person name (just like car shows), on that page it would be short description who is it (actor, singer, politician, owner of well known company, mobster, killer, dunno who else..) and a list of cars. And maybe that could be even splitted for actors - personal cars and cars that were used when they were acting (I am sure that Bryan Cranston doesnt use Pontiac Aztek, but as a Walter White he does). If the owner would be a member and you would click his name, it would redirect to his profile (under the text about him/her would be the list also)

-- Last edit: 2016-01-29 21:53:29
FR Tak

2011-04-24 14:39
Its my favorite USSR' car lol

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