Jay Ohrberg

Origin: US USA

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  • 1986 Jay Ohrberg American Dream


    Author Message
    US carcrasher88

    2015-09-21 02:31
    At least the good thing is that it's in the process of being restored, and that restoration is serving an educational purpose at the same time!

    QA JFK

    2015-09-21 00:10
    There is no way that American Dream is not here included. It is awesome, and it comes with pool + helicopter!
    Best source I could find: articles.chicagotribune.com/1986-07-20/features/8602220324_1_world-records-ultra-limousine-vini-bergema
    Sadly, the car is now in this shape: s.yimg.com/os/en-US/cms/autos/Boldride/longest-car-in-the-world-restoration.jpg

    Damn. I misspeled Jays surname: he is Ohrberg not Ohberg.

    -- Last edit: 2015-09-21 00:14:32

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