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2012-2016 Seat Len FR [Typ 5F]

PT Ford78

2013-04-20 10:59

This season had differents coefficients 4/5/6. One had a coefficient 5, six had a coefficient of 4 and 1 had a coefficient of 6. I made it complete because the eWRC results had the top 10, just like the basic system score (20-15-12....). However the stratch of eWRC is wrong because I saw the points table.

The right standings table:

1- Piergiorgio Deila 390 pts
2- Gianfranco Cunico 340 pts
3- Gianmarino Zenere 208 pts
4- Vanio Pasquali 202 pts
5- Andrea Aghini 195 pts
6- Bruno Bentivogli 148 pts
7- Gianni Fiora 146 pts
8- Vareno Grassini 144 pts
9- Marco Gatti 144 pts
10- Didier Auriol 100 pts

-- Last edit: 2013-04-25 16:03:55
2012-2016 Seat Len FR [Typ 5F]

FR Rinspeed

2013-04-19 22:52
source for 1992 italy rally?

-- Last edit: 2013-04-19 22:52:48
2012-2016 Seat Len FR [Typ 5F]

NL Desscythe17

2013-04-19 17:29
Nvm, I found one in higher quality.
2012-2016 Seat Len FR [Typ 5F]

PT Ford78

2013-04-19 16:43
Desscythe17 wrote
There is a Renault interior on this :)

I found a better interior picture.

2012-2016 Seat Len FR [Typ 5F]

NL Desscythe17

2013-04-19 16:24
There is a Renault interior on this :)
2002-2005 Seat Len Cupra R [Typ 1M]

DE Mieguy

2013-03-01 11:26
Built in Martorell in a Joint Venture of Seat and Seat Sport

PT Ford78

2013-01-27 22:26
Gamer wrote
I...I..give up! Ill just go back to adding photos!

Gamer we dont want make you angry, but if you dont put engines, then the cars cant be accepted... The WebCar Story is NOT a site to put only pictures! If you dont enough data, then dont add a car.

-- Last edit: 2013-01-27 22:27:24

DE Gamer

2013-01-27 21:38
I...I..give up! Ill just go back to adding photos!

NL Desscythe17

2013-01-27 21:26
Gamer wrote
I just added the 2004-2006 Dodge Durango and the 2001 Dodge Powerbox with complete engines!

Complete engines include length, width, height and weight. So your engines aren't complete.

DE Gamer

2013-01-27 20:51
I just added the 2004-2006 Dodge Durango and the 2001 Dodge Powerbox with complete engines!

FR Rinspeed

2013-01-27 20:36
Gamer wrote
What about the Plymouth Howler I added? That was a concept and it had only one engine...

and a lot of errors in what you had put....

DE Gamer

2013-01-27 20:20
What about the Plymouth Howler I added? That was a concept and it had only one engine...

-- Last edit: 2013-01-27 20:20:33

NL Desscythe17

2013-01-27 14:46
That doesn't matter, if the engines aren't complete, Rinspeed doesn't add it

PT Ford78

2013-01-27 14:03
Desscythe17 wrote
The engine isn't complete, and there are 4 other engines, get my point? The same goes for the VW Polo Classic

However, I helped a little. I putted the predecessor.

NL Desscythe17

2013-01-27 13:59
The engine isn't complete, and there are 4 other engines, get my point? The same goes for the VW Polo Classic

PT Ford78

2013-01-27 13:51
Desscythe17 wrote
It has to be validated, but it is on the site, Rinspeed will probably delete it though

Desscythe17 we can put the vans provided they are for a family.

DE Gamer

2013-01-27 13:33
Uh...Y would he? I added the correct engine...

NL Desscythe17

2013-01-27 12:37
It has to be validated, but it is on the site, Rinspeed will probably delete it though

-- Last edit: 2013-01-27 12:38:03

PT Ford78

2013-01-27 12:29
Gamer wrote
Gamer, the Seat Inca isnt here in database yet. Someone or me will do on future (If I/them find the informations for it)

DE Gamer

2013-01-27 09:38
Better pic for the Inca page:
1992-1994 Seat Toledo Marathon

FR Rinspeed

2013-01-12 10:02
there is a watermark on it
1992-1994 Seat Toledo Marathon

FR Rinspeed

2013-01-03 11:10
Gamer wrote
What was wrong with the interior pic? It had the exact same license plate as the car in the rear pic, and there was no watermark on it...

i dont remember, too small perhaps
1992-1994 Seat Toledo Marathon

DE Gamer

2013-01-03 10:35
What was wrong with the interior pic? It had the exact same license plate as the car in the rear pic, and there was no watermark on it...

IT giorgio92

2012-11-07 07:08
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

PT Ford78

2012-10-30 15:11
The Fiat 133 needs a different page because the badge is different. I will put when I find the max informations on engines.
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

FR Rinspeed

2012-10-24 21:54
yes but some others could be better also (you can cute the pictures)
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

RB Mark0

2012-10-24 21:54
Mark0 wrote
OK. I will find better.
EDIT: For Vaughn Gittin & Ken Gushi?

2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

RB Mark0

2012-10-24 21:24
OK. I will find better.
EDIT: For Vaughn Gittin & Ken Gushi?

-- Last edit: 2012-10-24 21:25:55
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

FR Rinspeed

2012-10-24 20:50
if you dont put close pitures, it's not very good (see some on drift, we see nothing of the car)
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

RB Mark0

2012-10-24 18:42
Also i will complete Drift series on weekend.
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

PT Ford78

2012-10-24 18:06
OK Mark
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

RB Mark0

2012-10-24 17:30
Ford78 wrote

OK. Thanks

i will finish 2007 WTCC this weekend so Ford78 please don't upload pictures.
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

PT Ford78

2012-10-23 21:31
Mark0 wrote
I started but i have problem with internet,so you could expect all pictures this weekend.

OK. Thanks
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

RB Mark0

2012-10-23 21:14
I started but i have problem with internet,so you could expect all pictures this weekend.
2007-2009 Seat Len WTCC

PT Ford78

2012-10-23 20:06
Mark0 why dont you put photos of the cars of the seasons?
1999-2000 Seat Cordoba WRC E2/E3 Series I

PT Ford78

2012-09-05 22:23
yeah it doesnt make any sense
1999-2000 Seat Cordoba WRC E2/E3 Series I

NL Desscythe17

2012-09-05 22:11
Ford78 wrote
It will be added soon. Please, try not give orders....

You might want to look when someone added a comment ;) after a year, it doesn't matter if you reply or not.
1999-2000 Seat Cordoba WRC E2/E3 Series I

PT Ford78

2012-09-05 22:02
It will be added soon. Please, try not give orders....
2007-2015 Seat Altea Freetrack

FR Rinspeed

2012-08-29 10:34
i dont see any difference with the restyled one in 2009 so i had do it in one page.
1983-1986 Seat Fura

FR Rinspeed

2012-01-18 18:23
fck i had erase the 1400. It's the Crono, need a specific page.
1971-1974 Seat 1430

PL fck

2011-12-21 16:36
I put a wrong picture for the older one. Thx.
1971-1974 Seat 1430

FR Rinspeed

2011-12-21 11:40
what is the difference with the 1969/1970 1430 that you had post fck?
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

FR Rinspeed

2011-12-09 18:49
Dontfeedmorons wrote
@Rinspeed: be quiet, buddy, he are correct in this time. Sorry.

Say to member that they are idiots is correct?? Not the first time he's agressive and he think that it's him that decide what we have to do or not. I had said to him to change with that a lot of time without results so now > ban. And i think it's you because you do the same mistakes with english language. "He are" "The car are".

-- Last edit: 2011-12-09 18:50:34
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]


2011-12-09 18:41
@Rinspeed: be quiet, buddy, he are correct in this time. Sorry.
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

NL Desscythe17

2011-12-09 16:52
well done!
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

FR Rinspeed

2011-12-09 14:28
Gomselmash11 wrote
Okay, are idiots? the same car, just under the Fiat make, made & sold here... not necessary other page for the Fiat 133, because the car are THE SAME... okay?

this time > ban
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

FR Tak

2011-12-08 23:43
shut up
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

AR Gomselmash11

2011-12-08 23:15
Okay, are idiots? the same car, just under the Fiat make, made & sold here... not necessary other page for the Fiat 133, because the car are THE SAME... okay?
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

AR Gomselmash11

2011-12-08 18:02
Here made & sold under the Fiat brand.
1974-1980 Seat 133 [133]

UK playstationfan

2011-12-06 20:13
sajmon14 wrote
wasn't this sold as a Fiat btw?

well it probably depended on what country
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