2019 Portugal: Rally Championship


1 PT 32º Rali Serras de Fafe (22-23 February)
2 PT 54º Azores Rallye (21-23 March)
3 PT Rali de Mortágua (3-4 May)
4 PT 53º Vodafone Rally de Portugal (30 May-2 June)
5 PT Rali de Castelo Branco (22-23 June)
6 PT 60º Rali Vinho da Madeira (1-3 August)
7 PT Rali Terras d Aboboeira (6-7 September)
8 PT Rali Vidreiro - Centro de Portugal (4-5 October)
9 PT 48º Rallye Casinos de Algarve (1-2 November)


Author Message
PT Ford78

2019-11-06 12:56
Season complete, Ricardo Teodósio is Portuguese champion for the first time.

Source- fpak.pt/sites/default/files/ficheiros/2019-11/C%20P%20RALIS%202019%20CONDUTORES%20-%20%20ABSOLUTO.pdf

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