2024 Austria: Rally Championship


1 AT 37th LKW FRIENDS on the road Jnnerrallye powered by WIMBERGER (5-7 January)
2 AT 11th LKW FRIENDS on the road Rebenland Rallye (15-16 March)
3 AT 46th LKW FRIENDS on the road Rebenland Rallye (4-6 April)
4 AT Judenburg - Plstal Rallye (14-15 June)
5 AT Rallye Weiz (11-13 July)
6 AT OBM Bucklige Welt Rallye (4-5 October)


Author Message
PT Ford78

2024-01-15 01:03
Source- www.ewrc-results.com/season/2024/?nat=26

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