1994-1995 Chevrolet Kadett TC2000

Origin: BR Brazil

Class: Race: TC2000

Made in:



Author Message
PT Ford78

2013-12-14 18:41
I didn't do anything of wrong...

FR Rinspeed

2013-12-14 18:39
Ford78 wrote
Why there's a fatal error "Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /homez.13/igcdrpch/carstory/comment-utils1.php on line 484"?

when you do what?
PT Ford78

2013-12-14 17:57
Why there's a fatal error "Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /homez.13/igcdrpch/carstory/comment-utils1.php on line 484"?

NL Desscythe17

2013-12-14 17:13
AGAIN Brazilian origin, could you please not make the same mistake again?

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