1981 Škoda Super Sport Ferat


Classe: Protótipo/Conceito

Chassis: Typ 724

Feito em:
CZ Mlada Boleslav



Autor Mensagem


2016-01-08 20:48
www.uloz.to/xPv2Bu5Y/upir-z-feratu-srt there are subs, they should fit nicely.
Password is Ferat
Known mistake - near the end of the movie the Ferat is reffered as German brand, it is not true. The car origin was never explicitly told, it is only a "foregin brand". At the back end of Ferat Rally Team truck you can see in one moment NF sticker, hinting that the car could be from Norfolk Island.

-- Last edit: 2016-01-08 20:48:47


2016-01-07 20:03
Damn, the movie was good.

Cross between Christine (victim cant be without Ferat) and Race with the Devil (bystanding people think that the main guy [who is trying to prove Ferat is running on blood] is a sick freak, and they will not help him, even when his lovely Fiat with him inside at the end of the movie is.....

As soon as I get english subtitles, I will post them there. And by the way, model year is wrong - the car in its original shape (already listed) is indeed from 1971, but the changes that ended up as this, were done in 1981.

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