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2020-2023 Tata Nexon

NL Desscythe17

2024-08-29 19:32
Just use this website for pictures please:

Thank you.
2013 Tata Xenon Tuff Truck

FR Rinspeed

2013-08-24 11:32
Desscythe17 wrote
The presentation wasn't Melbourne 2013. Melbourne was cancelled this year, and this car was presented at the "National 4x4 and Outdoors Show and Fishing and Boating Expo".

yes but this is in Melbourne also
2013 Tata Xenon Tuff Truck

DE Mieguy

2013-08-24 11:17
it was designed by Julian Quincey, head of Design at Holden Special Vehicles. they worked together with Holden as they wanted to give this car an australian design because the Xenon will be sold in australia too.

2013 Tata Xenon Tuff Truck

NL Desscythe17

2013-08-24 10:50
The presentation wasn't Melbourne 2013. Melbourne was cancelled this year, and this car was presented at the "National 4x4 and Outdoors Show and Fishing and Boating Expo".
2012 Tata Megapixel

PL sajmon14

2013-01-19 22:49
Well I didn't said you need to change these but good that you added the real photos, always looks better
2012 Tata Megapixel

FR Rinspeed

2013-01-19 10:28
sajmon14 wrote
Yeah doesnt look like they made a real one, its just a 3d model currently. I never tought that Tatas might look like that

i had change the picture with the real pictures, you cant now say it's not a real car.
2012 Tata Megapixel

PL sajmon14

2013-01-19 10:16
Yeah doesnt look like they made a real one, its just a 3d model currently. I never tought that Tatas might look like that
2012 Tata Megapixel

PT Ford78

2013-01-18 15:16
Looks like the images are from a game :lol:
2012 Tata Megapixel

DE Gamer

2013-01-18 15:14
That´s got to be the worst name for a car many megapixels did these photos have, just for the heck of it? :lol:
2007-2012 Tata Safari Series I

PT Ford78

2012-09-17 19:43
ok then
2007-2012 Tata Safari Series I

FR Rinspeed

2012-09-17 19:33
i se them yesterday but had not time yesterday to do it, i will do it in a few hours
2007-2012 Tata Safari Series I

PT Ford78

2012-09-17 18:52
I have official results of Wales GB 2012.
2007-2012 Tata Safari Series I

FR Rinspeed

2012-09-16 19:26
it will replaced (this month normally) by a new version (Safari Storme)
2011 Tata Pixel

FR Tak

2011-03-03 11:08
Pixel... bah quil crève l'écran, carrément qu'il est un virus...