1988 Dakar Rally


1 FI Juha Kankkunen
Peugeot 205 Turbo 16

2 JP Kenjiro Shinozuka
Mitsubishi Pajero

3 FR Patrick Tambay
Range Rover

4 US Malcolm Smith
Range Rover

5 KE Gérard Miller
Range Rover

6 FR Alain Ambrosino
Peugeot 205 Turbo 16

7 FR Jean-Jacques Ratet
Toyota Land Cruiser

8 NL Kees Tijsterman
Mitsubishi Pajero

9 BE Guy Deladriere

10 FR Jerome Riviere
Toyota Land Cruiser

11 FR Guy Dupard
Range Rover

12 FR Jean-Pierre Fontenay
Mitsubishi Pajero

13 FR Claude Marreaux
Mitsubishi Pajero

14 FR Raul Raymondis
Range Rover

15 FR Gérard Sarrazin
Toyota Land Cruiser

16 FR Charles Belvéze (403)
Mitsubishi Pajero

17 FR André Dessoude

18 FR Henri Pescarolo
Peugeot 405 Turbo 16

24 BE Guy Colsoul
Mitsubishi Pajero

25 FR Jean-Claude Cadi
Renault Cherokee V6
Renault DCZ Ouest

28 FR Gérard Boin (380)
Peugeot P4
Peugeot Talbot Sport

31 FR Daniel Guarato (415)
Mitsubishi Pajero
Team Défi Pajero France

33 FR Ch. Poirault (527)
Toyota Land Cruiser BJ 71

38 BE Jacky Ickx
Lada Niva

39 FR Faucher (291)
Range Rover

40 FR Jean Da Silva
Mitsubishi Pajero

43 ES Juan Porcar
Range Rover

47 FR Jean Bouchet
Range Rover

50 FR Marc Joineau

51 FR Christian Chiaravita
Land Rover Defender 110
Green FOLTENE Team

56 FR J. Bertry
Mitsubishi Pajero

67 FR Jean-Marie Davoy
TOYOTA Proto Gabreau

72 FR D. Lafon (475)
Toyota Land Cruiser HJ 75
Team Koro Aquitaine

84 FR D. Doize (436)
Land Rover LDHA V8
Paris Dakar 88 Enfants CM2

87 AT Stefan Reninger
Steyr-Puch 280 GE

88 FR Yann Cadoret
Mercedes-Benz 280 GE
Cador's Oysters Racing Team

91 FR Etienne Smulevici
Mitsubishi Pajero

102 FR Francis Moreaux
Mitsubishi Pajero

107 JP Omoto
Toyota BJ

NC FI Ari Vatanen
Peugeot 405 Turbo 16

NC UK Andrew Cowan
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC JP Hiroshi Masuoka
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC FR Pierre Lartigue
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC IT Luciano Andreetto
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC FR Bernard Béguin
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC FR Patrick Zaniroli
Range Rover

NC NE Mano Dayak
Range Rover

NC FR Jean-Claude Briavoine
BCBG Proto

NC LU ?? Feider
Range Rover

NC FR Claude Arnoux
Buggy Arnoux

NC FR Jean Claude Chevain (389)
Toyota Land Cruiser

NC UK Ted Toleman
MG Metro 6R4

NC FR Hubert Auriol
Buggy Kouros

NC FR A. Bouremad
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC FR Alain Kalvas (320)
Proto Kalvas 280

NC FR Amadeu Torrens (433)
Range Rover

NC IT Arcangioli (394)

NC IT Arcangioli (394)
UMM Cournil

NC FR Armandet
Jeep Renault CJ
Renault Bourges

NC FR Bernard Darniche (223)
Renault 21 4x4 Proto

NC FR Bertrand Jaussaud
Lada Niva
Lada Poch Team

NC NL Carlo de Brouwer (298)
Rover Proto

NC FR Dany Snobeck (222)
Renault 21 4x4 Proto

NC FR Dauvois
Toyota BJ

NC IT De Paoli
Mitsubishi Pajero Proto

NC IT E. Cacciani (287)
Range Rover
Jolly Club (Vepromark)

NC FR E. Hannoun (410)
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC FR F. Rolland (327)
Peugeot 505 Break Dangel
Les Loups-Garous Mullhouse

NC FR Gabardos
Lada Samara

NC IT Giorgio Di Maira (288)
Range Rover
Jolly Club (Vepromark)

NC FR J. Coucet
Lamborghini LM 002

NC FR J. J. Rey (273)
Mitsubishi Pajero
ASS Maurepas Paris Dakar

NC UK J. Pointiger
Ford Escort

NC FR Jacques Lafite
Porsche 953
Green FOLTENE Team

NC FR Jean Vallon (263)
Mercedes-Benz 280 GE Proto Koro

NC FR Jean-Pierre Jabouille
Porsche 953
Green FOLTENE Team

NC ES Joan Gràcia (390)
Mitsubishi Pajero
El Tricicle

NC ES Jorge Babler
Nissan Patrol

NC FR L. Oullion
Dodge Ram

NC FR Lamole
Renault R18 4x4

NC FR Lutun
Peugeot P4

NC FR M. Hue (274)
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC ES Marcos Blasco (469)
Nissan Patrol

NC FR Marion
Renault Cherokee V6
Renault Rhône Alps Auvergne

NC DE Martinkari (340)
Toyota Land Cruiser HJ 61

NC ES Miguel Bisbe
Nissan Patrol

NC ES Miguel Prieto
Nissan Patrol

NC FR O. Grouillard
Mitsubishi Pajero

NC ES Paco Mir (389)
Mitsubishi Pajero
El Tricicle

NC FR Patrick Thenoux
Buggy ?

NC FR Philippe Alliot

NC IT Piodi

NC BE Renders

NC FR Retailleau
Mercedes-Benz 280 GE

NC FR Rozez

NC ES Salvador Canellas
Range Rover

NC FR Sartiaux
Land Rover Defender 110
Green FOLTENE Team

NC IT Seppi
Mercedes-Benz 280 GE

NC FR Serge Ducoutumany
Citroen Visa 1000 Pistes

NC FR Touroul
Toyota FJ 40
Green FOLTENE Team

NC IT V. Mariano (288)
Range Rover

NC FR Vaneuville (314)
Mercedes-Benz 280 GE Proto

NC NL Vanierschot
Renault 21 Nevada

NC DE Verroken
Mercedes-Benz 280 GE Proto

NC FR Vignes
Toyota Land Cruiser Turbo
Team Koro Aquitar

NC FR Xavier Lapeyre
Buggy Kouros

NC FR Yves Morize (352)
Renault R18 Break 4x4 Proto


Author Message
PT Ford78

2023-04-27 02:01
Etienne Smulevici's Pajero isn't the same car as the Official Mitsubishi.

A source from Facebook says "Pour le Paris-Alger-Dakar 1988, 10ème édition, Etienne Smulevici court sur un Mitsubishi Pajero châssis court, essence, 180cv. Il fait équipe avec un jeune mécano talentueux: Thierry Delli-Zotti. Ils finissent 91ème à Dakar."
PT Ford78

2015-05-12 16:46
Sorry for triple post, but I had found that Claude Marreaux finished 13th on Dakar 1988.

PT Ford78

2014-05-31 16:09
Please erase driver 42 from this championship, I commited an mistake...
PT Ford78

2014-04-15 20:01
The reason why that I putted "Renault Cherokee V6" on Cadi is because actually 2 years before Cherokee came with Jeep, he had driven with Renault and it has an badge of losangle.
PT Ford78

2014-04-15 18:43
Rinspeed wrote
what are the positions all of the top drivers??

Did not finish. So they aren't classified.

Source: www.dakar.com/2011/DAK/presentation/docs/historique-dakar-1979-2009_fr.pdf

FR Rinspeed

2014-04-15 18:29
what are the positions all of the top drivers??

PL sajmon14

2014-04-14 17:01
Ford78 wrote

Sorry Desscythe but I don't think that talking in another languages is a problem.

It is a problem, we can translate them but never properly, let's just use english since everyone here understands it
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 23:14
Desscythe17 wrote
Talk in English please. Also, Ford78, your French isn't very good.

Sorry Desscythe but I don't think that talking in another languages is a problem. Anyways, the fact of my french not being very good is normal because I'm still learning to talk properly. Donc, je ne parle très bien du Français mais je suis en apprendre.

NL Desscythe17

2014-04-13 23:01
Talk in English please. Also, Ford78, your French isn't very good.
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 18:00
ramzes-815 wrote
J'ai une photo, vous pouvez les ajouter

251 Miguel Prieto-Juvanteny Nissan Patrol (AB)
252 Jorge Babler-Hansi Babler Nissan Patrol (AB)
253 Miguel Bisbe-Jaime Casals Nissan Patrol (AB)

Oui, tu peut ajouter. Votre ajude est très important!
UA ramzes-815

2014-04-13 17:39
J'ai une photo, vous pouvez les ajouter

251 Miguel Prieto-Juvanteny Nissan Patrol (AB)
252 Jorge Babler-Hansi Babler Nissan Patrol (AB)
253 Miguel Bisbe-Jaime Casals Nissan Patrol (AB)
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 16:50
I found another driver:
519 J. Coucet-M. Kurzen Lamborghini LM 002 (AB)
323 Verroken / Verschelden Mercedes G (AB)
418 J. Bertry-A. Martin Mitsubishi Pajero (56 place)
454 Serge Ducoutumany-Charly Gotlib Citroen Visa 1000 (AB)
229 Guy Colsoul-Alain Lopes Mitsubishi Pajero (24 place)
230 Hiroshi Masuoka-Christian Delferrier Mitsubishi Pajero (AB)
231 O. Grouillard-G. Hazard Mitsubishi Pajero (AB)
232 Hubert Rigal-de Casenove Mitsubishi Pajero (AB)
373 Gabardos-Chevalier Lada Samara (AB)
269 A.Bouremad-L.Bourgoin Mitsubishi Pajero (AB)
453 J. M. Ivens-G. Granchere Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 (?)
321 Retailleau-Mathieu Mercedes 280 GE (AB)
201 Lapeyre Buggy Kouros VW (abandon)
199 J. Pointiger-E. Lintner Ford escort (abandon)
203 Patrick Thenoux Buggy (abandon)
458 BMW, Rozez-Tallourd (?)
220 Jacques Laffite-Pierre Landereau Porsche 953
221 Jean Pierre Jabouille-G. Levent Porsche 953
382 Sartiaux-Demantke Land Rover Defender 110
383 Touroul-Lerner Toyota FJ 40
384 C. Chiaravita J. Clatot Land Rover Defender 110
378 Piodi-Mottura BMW
1988 LADA POCH team
218 ICKX-TARIN 38 place
219 Jaussaud-Peyron AB
1988 Nissan team Fanta
251 Miguel Prieto-Juvanteny Nissan Patrol (AB)
252 Jorge Babler-Hansi Babler Nissan Patrol (AB)
253 Miguel Bisbe-Jaime Casals Nissan Patrol (AB)
393 Seppi-Arzuffi Mercedes 280 GE (AB)
280 Bouchet-Villepigue Range Rover (47 place)

UA ramzes-815

2014-04-13 16:24
271 Bozian-Hagopain Mitsubishi pajero (AB)
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 16:21
Rinspeed wrote
it's not me that edit it, and sources> old newspapers

Ah! OK! That newspapaers that you have are obviously in french.

FR Rinspeed

2014-04-13 16:13
it's not me that edit it, and sources> old newspapers
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 16:11
Source of the results outside of top 10? Ari Vatanen, for example?

-- Last edit: 2014-04-13 16:11:36
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 16:06
In what result did you edit? How can you find the results outside of top 10 in this year?

FR Rinspeed

2014-04-13 15:59
Ford78 wrote
Pajero not linked in some drivers which have body like www.webcarstory.com/voiture.php?id=16739...

not the same
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 15:47
Pajero not linked in some drivers which have body like www.webcarstory.com/voiture.php?id=16739...
PT Ford78

2014-04-13 15:46
In what result did you edit? How can you find the results outside of top 10 in this year?

FR Rinspeed

2014-02-05 17:43
Ford78 wrote
Rinspeed you linked the WRONG CAR on Salvador Canellas.

i linked nothing, it's not me > erased because same picture than smith with just a number changed on th door
PT Ford78

2014-02-05 17:28
Rinspeed you linked the WRONG CAR on Salvador Canellas.

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