2015 Angola: Cross Country Championship


1 AO Rali TT Namibe (7-8 March)
2 AO Rali TT Luanda (11-12 April)
3 AO Rali TT Quilengues (2-3 May)
4 AO Rali TT Baía Azul (20-21 June)
5 AO 2 Horas TT Longa (18-19 July)
6 AO Rali TT Lobito (5-6 September) (Cancelled)
7 AO Rali TT Kuito - Bié (3-4 October) (Cancelled)
8 AO Grande Rali TT Kuwanza Sul (30 October-2 November)


Autor Mensagem
PT Ford78

2023-05-02 15:30
Unfortunately, the 2015 season had the lowest number of drivers in Cross Country Championship since 2012. Five drivers have attended the championship, however, only three drivers ended on scoring points during the whole season.

Source- www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02x99DWoAUUpVJtv2Gmwvf1agX2XGeasaBR4AMVXLT1GoVtkAXLKeXRGAJNmtMxEval&id=491067940950206

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